Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Signal Reconstruction and Filter Design
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 13:40 - 14:00
Presentation: Lecture
Topic: Signal Processing Theory and Methods: Adaptive Systems & Filtering
Authors: Chi-Wah Kok; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 
 Ying-Man Law; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 
Abstract: The design of FIR filter with constraints in frequency domain and/or time domain is considered. We further considered the design specification without explicitly specified transition band. A constrained eigenfilter is proposed to design FIR filter with various design constraints, and without transition band specification. We have suggested the possible design tradeoff between transition band bandwidth and the ripple size of the filter. The proposed algorithm can design filters with optimal tradeoff between transition band bandwidth and the peak constrained ripple size. The eigenfilter formulation further allows the filter design specification to incorporate time domain constraints. Various design examples are presented to illustrate the versatility of the digital filter obtained by the proposed filter design method.

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