Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing: Theory and Methods
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 15:30 - 17:30
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing: Image Formation and Computed Imaging
Authors: Seungsin Lee; Rochester Institute of Technology 
 Raghuveer Rao; Rochester Institute of Technology 
Abstract: Images exhibiting statistical self-similarity are of interest in various areas of image processing such as textures and scene synthesis. In continuous-space, statistical self-similarity is defined through statistics invariant to spatial scaling. However, because of lack of discrete-space scaling operation, statistical self-similarity in discrete-space has been characterized by approaches such as increments of fractional Brownian motion rather than scaling. We address these two issues regarding self-similar random fields through the paper. We show that the current self-similarity definition for continuous-space is somewhat restrictive, and we offer a new self-similarity definition in continuous-space more general than the current one. Furthermore, we provide a new formalism for statistical self-similarity in discrete-space by defining a scaling operation for discrete-space images. Consequently, a wider class of self-similar random images can be synthesized for different applications in discrete-space. The paper presents theoretical development and synthesis examples.

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