Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Sampling, Extrapolation, and Interpolation
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 15:30 - 17:30
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Signal Processing Theory and Methods: Sampling, Extrapolation, and Interpolation
Authors: Evgeny Margolis; Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 
 Yonina C. Eldar; Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 
Abstract: We consider the problem of interpolating a continuous-time signalfrom a set of uniformly spaced discrete-time samples. One of theprime methods of interpolation is based on the use of uniformB-splines. In this paper, we introduce a new interpolationapproach using nonuniform B-splines as interpolation kernels. Weshow both theoretically, and through simulation results, thatusing nonuniform B-splines can result in a higher quality ofinterpolation with respect to uniform B-splines, at the samecomputational cost.

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