Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Detection, Estimation, and Demodulation
Time:Friday, May 21, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Signal Processing for Communications: Space-Time/MIMO Channel Equalization
Authors: Moshe Salhov; Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 
 Ami Wiesel; Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 
 Yonina C. Eldar; Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 
Abstract: We consider the problem of designing a robust linear equalizer under channel uncertainties. Specifically, we propose a robust peak distortion (RPD) equalizer, in which we minimize the error probability of the worst-case sequence and the worst-case channel, in the uncertainty region. We show that the RPD equalizer can be found efficiently using standard convex optimization packages. We then demonstrate through simulations that under channel uncertainty the RPD equalizer outperforms traditional equalizers, and previously proposed robust equalizers

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