Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Adaptive Filters I
Time:Wednesday, May 19, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Signal Processing Theory and Methods: Adaptive Systems & Filtering
Authors: Maciej Niedźwiecki; Gdańsk University of Technology 
 Piotr Kaczmarek; Gdańsk University of Technology 
Abstract: The problem of identification/tracking of quasi-periodicallyvarying systems is considered. This problem is a generalization, to the system case, of a classical signal processing task of either elimination or extraction of nonstationary sinusoidal signals buried in noise. The proposed solution is based on the exponentially weighted basis function (EWBF) approach. First, the global EWBF algorithm is derived and its decomposed, parallel-form and cascade-form variants, are described. Then the frequency-adaptive versions of both schemes are obtained using the recursive prediction error method. In the (special) signal processing case the paper offers new attractive solutions to the problem of adaptive notch filtering.

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