Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Multimedia Communication, Networking and Security I
Time:Thursday, May 20, 14:20 - 14:40
Presentation: Lecture
Topic: Multimedia Signal Processing: Multimedia Communication and Networking
Authors: Mingyu Chen; University of Miami 
 Manohar N. Murthi; University of Miami 
Abstract: In Voice over IP, typical Forward Error Correction (FEC) schemes to combat packet loss allocate an equal amount of error-control resources to each voice packet, regardless of the perceptual importance of a packet. Recognizing the unequal perceptual importance of voice packets, we propose signal-adaptive unequal error protection methods in which certain packets are allocated more error-control resources than others. In particular, the amount of error protection provided to a packet is determined through an analysis by expected decoder synthesis paradigm ensconced within a rate-distortion Lagrangian optimization framework. Therefore, the sender evaluates various protection policies by anticipating the behavior of the decoder's Packet Loss Concealment (PLC) algorithm for various loss event probabilities. In this manner, perceptually critical voice packets that cannot be easily replaced by a PLC are provided with greater error protection. For a given average bit-rate, a simple unequal error protection scheme provides a 0.2 to 0.3 advantage in PESQ-MOS over the conventional equal error control schemes.

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