Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Audio for Multimedia and Networks
Time:Friday, May 21, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Audio and Electroacoustics: Audio for Multimedia
Authors: S. H. Srinivasan; Satyam Computer Services Ltd. 
Abstract: Auditory scene analysis tries to segment an auditory signal(scene) into objects. Most of the intermediate representations currently proposed based on ASA are difficult to compute. In this paper, we propose auditory strands and blobs as intermediate representations. Auditory blobs are parts of an audio signal which have the same onset. By the principles of computational auditory scene analysis, they belong to the same object. In this paper we show how auditory blobs can be extracted and define harmonicity, dynamics, and onset features for auditory blobs. We also demonstrate their application to audio separation.

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