Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:(Semi)blind Techniques I
Time:Thursday, May 20, 13:40 - 14:00
Presentation: Lecture
Topic: Signal Processing for Communications: Detection, Estimation, and Demodulation
Authors: Ludwig Rota; Laboratoire I3S - UNSA - CNRS 
 Pierre Comon; Laboratoire I3S - UNSA - CNRS 
Abstract: We describe a family of criteria dedicated to blind SISO equalizers. These criteria are based on Alphabet Polynomial Fitting (APF), and remind the well-known Constant Modulus algorithm (CMA) criterion, and encompass the Constant Power Algorithm (CPA) criterion. Algorithms based on several polynomial criteria have been implemented in block form (including CPA and APF), as well as the CMA and the Kurtosis Maximization (KMA). Block implementations are indeed more efficient for short data records, and allow the direct computation of the optimal step size in a gradient descent, as shown in the paper. Computational complexities of APF, KMA and CMA are eventually compared, as well as their performances for various digitally modulated inputs.

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