Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Voice Conversion and Morphing Algorithms for TTS Systems
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 16:10 - 16:30
Presentation: Lecture
Topic: Speech Processing: Speech Synthesis (including TTS)
Authors: Hui Ye; Cambridge University 
 Steve Young; Cambridge University 
Abstract: Voice morphing is a technique for modifying a source speaker's speech to sound as if it was spoken by some designated target speaker. Most of the recent approaches to voice morphing apply a linear transformation to the spectral envelope and pitch scaling to modify the prosody. Whilst these methods are effective, they also introduce artifacts arising from the effects of glottal coupling, phase incoherence, unnatural phase dispersion and the high spectral variance of unvoiced sounds. A practical voice morphing system must account for these if high audio quality is to be preserved. This paper describes a complete voice morphing system and the enhancements needed for dealing with the various artifacts, including a novel method for synthesising natural phase dispersion. Each technique is assessed individually and the overall performance of the system evaluated using listening tests. Overall it is found that the enhancements significantly improve speaker identification scores and perceived audio quality.

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