Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Distributed Digital Signal Processing for Sensor Networking
Time:Thursday, May 20, 10:30 - 10:45
Presentation: Special Session Lecture
Topic: Special Sessions: Distributed Digital Signal Processing for Sensor Networking
Authors: Hanbiao Wang; University of California, Los Angeles 
 Len Yip; University of California, Los Angeles 
 Kung Yao; University of California, Los Angeles 
 Deborah Estrin; University of California, Los Angeles 
Abstract: Localization is a key application for sensor networks. We proposea Bayesian method to analyze the lower bound of localization uncertainty in sensor networks. Given the location and sensing uncertainty of individual sensors, the method computes the minimum-entropy target location distribution estimated by the network of sensors. We define the Bayesian bound (BB) as the covariance of such distribution, which is compared with the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) through simulations. When the observation uncertainty is Gaussian, the BB equals the CRB. The BB is much simpler to derive than the CRB when sensing models are complex. We also characterize the localization uncertainty attributable to the sensor network topology and the sensor observation type through the analysis of the minimum entropy and the CRB. Given the sensor network topology and the sensor observation type, such characteristics can be used to approximately predict where the targetcan be relatively accurately located.

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