Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Fast Algorithms
Time:Friday, May 21, 09:30 - 11:30
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems: Fast Algorithms
Authors: George Zhao; Intelligent Automation, Inc. 
 Roger Xu; Intelligent Automation, Inc. 
 Chiman Kwan; Intelligent Automation, Inc. 
Abstract: Ship-motion prediction will be very useful for several naval operations such as aircraft landing, cargo transfer, off-loading of small boats, and ship “mating” between a big transport ship and some small ships. The prediction information will be extremely useful in sea states above 3. Five to ten seconds ship motion prediction can give the operator ample time to avoid serious collisions.This paper summarizes the development of a high performance ship-motion prediction algorithm using Minor Component Analysis (MCA). Simulation results showed this method can predict ship motion a long time ahead with consistent accuracy. That is, the prediction error is almost the same for the 5 second and 20 second predictions. Other conventional algorithms like Neural Network (NN), Autoregressive method (AR), Wiener prediction were also studied for comparative purpose.

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