Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Video Coding
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing: Image and Video Coding
Authors: Sibel Yaman; Georgia Institute of Technology 
 Ghassan AlRegib; Georgia Institute of Technology 
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the use of video compression methods that require a simple encoder and a complex decoder in such applications as video surveillance, smart spaces, and sensornetworks. In our proposed method, the encoder tries to identifythe locations whose content cannot be predicted at the decoder,and codes such areas at higher fidelity. Typically, high-motionmacro-blocks\footnote{Following the MPEG terminology, we refer to16 x 16 blocks as macroblocks} represent such significant stateregions. Shape-adaptive (SA) SPIHT coding is then used to efficiently code them. At the decoder side, we perform motionextrapolation using the previously decoded frames to construct anestimate for the current frame. This estimate then serves as theside information at the decoder. Receiving the SA-SPIHT codedcurrent frame and the motion extrapolated current frame, thedecoder fuses the information in these two frames to produce aframe that is of higher quality than the component images.Experimental results show that the proposed codec outperformsH.264 intra mode by 3 dB, and its performance lies within 2 dB ofH.264.

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