Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:System Identification and Parameter Estimation
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Signal Processing Theory and Methods: System Modeling, Representation, & Identification
Authors: Bernard Picinbono; École Supérieure d'Electricité (Supélec) 
 Jean-Yves Tourneret; IRIT-ENSEEIHT 
Abstract: Singular random signals are collections of singular random variables indexed over time. Singular random variables have continuous distribution with derivatives equal to zero almost everywhere. Such random variables do not seem interesting in Signal Processing. On the contrary, this paper shows that simple signals can be singular. This is especially the case of ARMA signals generated from discrete white noise with poles located inside a so-called singularity circle. The origin of singularity and its relations to a fractal structure are presented along with various simulations illustrating the theoretical results.

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