Technical Program

Paper Detail

Paper:03-P1.11 (ICASSP 2003 Paper)
Session:ICASSP 2003 Papers
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster (ICASSP 2003 Presentation)
Topic: ICASSP 2003 Papers: ICASSP 2003 Papers
Authors: Joaquín González-Rodríguez; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 
 Julián Fiérrez-Aguilar; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 
 Javier Ortega-García; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 
Abstract: In this paper, we will show how any speaker recognition system can be adapted to provide its results according to the bayesian approach for evidence analysis and forensic reporting. This approach, firmly established in other forensic areas as fingerprint, DNA or fiber analysis, suits the needs of both the court and the forensic scientist. We will show the inadequacy of the classical approach to forensic reporting because of the use of thresholds and the suppression of the prior probabilities related to the case. We will also show how to assess the performance of those forensic systems through Tippet plots. Finally, an example is shown using NIST-Ahumada eval'2001 data, where the speaker recognition abilities of our system are assessed through DET plots, using then these raw scores as evidences into the forensic system, where relative to populations we will obtain the corresponding likelihood ratios values, which are assessed through Tippet plots.

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