Technical Program

Paper Detail

Paper:SP-P3.13 (ICASSP 2003 Paper)
Session:Topics in Speaker and Langauge Recognition
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 15:30 - 17:30
Presentation: Poster (ICASSP 2003 Presentation)
Topic: Speech Processing: Adaptation/Normalization
Authors: Yoshifumi Onishi; NEC Corporation 
 Ken-ichi Iso; NEC Corporation 
Abstract: We propose a novel speaker adaptation method, Hierarchical EigenVoice (HEV). This method extends the EigenVoice through clustering the Gaussian components of HMMs into a hierarchical tree structure. It enables to autonomously control a number of adaptation parameters(model complexity) depending on the amount of adaptation utterances from a new speaker. The experimental results of Japanese large vocabulary continuous speech recognition confirmed the significant performance increase in all range of the adaptation utterance amounts compared with the conventional speaker adaptation methods.

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